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Is it difficult for American customers to handle low transaction rates? Did you really use the right
The United States is the preferred market for foreign traders. With a developed economy and a vast market, the demand for foreign trade is also stronger. Although the demand for imports in the United States has relatively weakened in the past two years, its base remains large. So how to deal with American clients?

To deal with customers in a country, one must first have an understanding of the customers in that country, in order to develop the correct strategy. If we don't have enough understanding, foreign traders will face problems such as difficulty in handling and low transaction rates. Let's take a look at the characteristics of American customers together~

1. Emphasize equal cooperation

The American business culture emphasizes the spirit of equality and cooperation, and they are more willing to engage in long-term cooperation with suppliers. Therefore, in the negotiation process, foreign traders should seek more win-win situations for both parties, rather than excessive concessions for orders. This is not conducive to long-term cooperation and may even affect customer confidence in current orders.

2. Emphasize efficiency and results

The American business culture emphasizes efficiency and results, so most American clients hope to complete negotiations and reach deals in a short period of time, rather than procrastinating and entanglement. Therefore, when negotiating and communicating with American clients, foreign traders must be fully prepared, provide clear information and data, and accelerate the pace of negotiations.

3. Direct and honest

Due to the emphasis on efficiency among Americans, they tend to be very direct and honest in the communication process, as this is the most effective way to improve communication efficiency. Therefore, in the process of negotiating with American clients, foreign traders should also be straightforward and have clear discussions on the issue, rather than hiding it.

4. Focus on data and market

Americans rely heavily on data and market orientation when making decisions, so when convincing others, foreign traders should start more from data rather than feeling.
You can use tracking data to view data on specific categories in the United States, in order to conduct preliminary market analysis and inform customers of the benefits they can gain from choosing you. At the same time, you can also use the purchaser function of tracking data to view customers' past suppliers and find your strengths, thereby increasing the likelihood of customers choosing you.


5. Emphasize quality and service

American customers have high expectations for quality and service, and they also place great emphasis on cost-effectiveness. In terms of cost-effectiveness, we actually have an advantage, but one thing we need to pay extra attention to is the quality control of the product. If there are quality problems, even if the price is cheap, they are likely not to accept it.

6. Pay attention to contracts and laws

American society places great importance on laws and contracts, often strictly following them. For foreign trade professionals, having clear responsibilities and rights can demonstrate their professionalism on one hand, and on the other hand, if problems arise in the future, they can better protect their rights.

The above are some points that foreign traders need to pay attention to when developing American customers. If you want to learn more, you can message us privately~
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