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How to layer customers
How to layer customers
Two factors for efficient customer development :
· large number of customers
·Determine high-quality customers

What is a quality customer?
We usually divide customers into A,B,C,Dfour levels,80%time spent inAALevel andBLevel customers,20%time spent onCclass customer,D Class customers give up directly
· AA first-class customer, who has needs, is the firstKP, has the ability to pay,AType customers are the precise customers we are looking for. The misunderstanding of most foreign trade salesmen is that many customers spend half a year, a year or even two years without closing a deal, and time and energy are wasted. Yes, the main reason is that most of the time is spent on looking very matching and high quality,But there has been no reply to the customer. This kind of customers looks like pie, but they just can’t eat it, that is, they have no demand for us for the time being. These customers are at most CClass customers
· B type of customer, has payment ability, high product matching, and asked about the price, but has no further plans for the time being
BType of customer, capable of payment, high product matching, have inquired about the price, but have no further plans for the time beingBBBA high-level customer must close the deal within half a year, if not, it will be treated asC type of customers, except for products with a long transaction cycle, compared tolike machinery

CType of customer, capable of payment, high product matching, but has not responded, and needs long-term and regular follow-up
AType  Short-term (three months) with procurement needs, decision makers, and ability to pay
BClass  Middle term (3-6month) with transaction intention
CClass  The demand is not obvious in a short period of time, the connection is not close, it is used for daily maintenance
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